********* Changelog ********* - :release:`1.5.0 <2015-05-31>` - :support:`30` Add screenshots of application and admin - :support:`8` Allow Disqus comments (Thanks Max Brauer) - :support:`45` Create screenshots using CasperJS - :support:`102` Upgrade tutorial to Django 1.8 - :support:`86` overriding ``__init__()`` and ``save()`` on BookmarkForm seems unnecessary - :support:`84` Use static template tag from staticfiles - :support:`92` Use new pip bootstrap URL - :feature:`94` Add socialshareprivacy for social share buttons - :support:`95` Switch to new Read the Docs Sphinx Theme - :release:`1.4.1 <2014-03-17>` - :bug:`89` Install instructions show still Django 1.5.4 - :release:`1.4.0 <2014-03-16>` - :support:`88` Pin Django version (Thanks Andreas Hug) - :support:`87` pip will install setuptools, if setuptools are not already installed (Thanks Andreas Hug) - :support:`85` Removed ``BookmarkForm.__init__()`` to simplify code - :support:`83` Upgraded to Creative Commons 4.0 - :feature:`81` Make the tutorial work with Python 3 (Thanks Andreas Hug) - :feature:`82` Setup Tox (Thanks Andreas Hug) - :feature:`80` Add a Makefile target to run the Django test suite - :support:`78` Describe what the ``request.GET`` attribute is used for - :support:`77` Describe what the body of the tagcloud does - :bug:`79 major` Use full path under Windows for calling :file:`django-admin.py` - :support:`15` Add a note on virtualenv and --user to the installation section - :bug:`49 major` Prepare for Python 3 - :support:`46` Explain what Unicode strings are - :support:`47` Explain what QuerySets are (Thanks Andreas Hug) - :support:`55` Add fixtures for testing and demonstration (Thanks Max Brauer) - :bug:`61 major` Update initializr.com template (Thanks Florian Apolloner) - :support:`63` Switch to setuptools (Thanks Florian Apolloner) - :release:`1.3.1 <2013-10-11>` - :bug:`75` Several parts of the Spanish tutorial are not translated - :bug:`74` Missing German translation in "Weiterführende Informationen" (Thanks Markus Holtermann) - :bug:`73` Untranslated sentence in "Install Django" chapter - :bug:`72` German article to "View" should be feminine (Thanks Markus Holtermann) - :release:`1.3.0 <2013-10-09>` - :bug:`70 major` Double "the" on "URLs and Views" - :bug:`68 major` Typo on "URLs and Views" - :feature:`39` Added a page with further information at the end - :feature:`53` Capturing as much output as possible using `sphinxcontrib-programoutput `_ - :bug:`43 major` Explained which username is used with marcador_bookmark_user url - :feature:`31` Added a "Useful Links" sidebar section - :bug:`0 major` Translated all index words to English (until the index can be translated) - :bug:`42 major` Revised instructions to edit :file:`settings.py` - :support:`35` Switched from :program:`wget` to :program:`curl` and explained manual download of bootstrap scripts - :support:`58` Added note explaining ``BASE_DIR`` should be at the top of :file:`settings.py` - :support:`41` Explained the name "marcador" - :feature:`51` Added languages to sidebar - :feature:`56` Added an ERM for the models - :support:`0` Redesigned landing page - :feature:`0` Added Librelist mailing list - :feature:`0` Added Spanish translation - :support:`0` Explained translation workflow - :feature:`59` Using named urls for LOGIN_URL and LOGOUT_URL - :support:`0` Updated introduction - :support:`0` Thanks to Ernesto Rico-Schmidt for taking the time to do the Spanish translation! - :release:`1.2.2 <2013-06-15>` - :bug:`50` Removed fuzzy markers in translation to enable already translated strings - :release:`1.2.1 <2013-05-19>` - :bug:`44` Fixed broken links in English version - :release:`1.2.0 <2013-04-20>` - :support:`0` Finished English translation - :support:`0` Thanks to Andreas Hug, Dave Brotherstone, Dinu Gherman and Sean Hammond for making the English translation possible! - :release:`1.1.1 <2013-03-17>` - Removed obsolete include tag arguments - :release:`1.1.0 <2013-03-16>` - :bug:`0 major` Explained how to gain root permissions for installation - :bug:`0 major` Install pip only using the bootstrap script as recommended - :support:`0` Massive improvements of the URLs, Views, Templates and Forms pages - :support:`0` Replaced ``STATIC_URL`` with ``static`` template tag - :feature:`0` Added tasks to prepare, update, build and deploy translations - :feature:`0` Added a "How to contribute" section - :support:`0` Upgraded to Django 1.5 - :support:`3` Added explanation of the template system - :support:`6` Added explanation of ModelForm usage - :support:`0` Improved frontend drop down menu - :feature:`0` Added badge for private bookmarks - :support:`0` Converted tags from labels to badges - :support:`0` Using ``redirect()`` shortcut instead of ``HttpResponseRedirect`` - :bug:`0 major` Create/edit form uses appropriate title - :support:`0` Block ``title`` is now just a suffix of the page title - :support:`0` Improved users bookmark list - :feature:`0` Added new block ``heading`` to simplify template inheritance - :support:`0` Added note regarding HTML5 Boilerplate download - :feature:`0` Improved CSS, show edit links only for owner, added link to create bookmarks - :support:`9` Made ``Bookmark.tags`` optional - :support:`0` Added ``bookmark_`` prefix to view names - :support:`1` Better explanation of Models, Admin, database, URLconf and Views - :support:`0` Removed Class Based View - :support:`0` Added link to issue tracker on front page - :bug:`0 major` Removed obsolete line from URLconf in admin site chapter - :support:`0` Thanks to Andreas Hug for contributing to this release - :release:`1.0.0 <2012-10-31>` - :support:`0` Initial Release .. The Changelog is English only and will not be translated