*********************** The django-marcador app *********************** The aim of the tutorial is to create a Django app to manage bookmarks. Now that the project is created and configured, you can begin to work on the app itself. .. index:: App, Application, startapp Create the app ============== You can create the app with the following command: :: $ python manage.py startapp marcador A new directory :file:`marcador` will be created with the following comments: :: marcador |-- __init__.py |-- admin.py |-- migrations | `-- __init__.py |-- models.py |-- tests.py `-- views.py The directory is found under the project directory :file:`mysite`: :: mysite |-- manage.py |-- marcador | |-- __init__.py | |-- admin.py | |-- migrations | | `-- __init__.py | |-- models.py | |-- tests.py | `-- views.py |-- mysite | |-- __init__.py | |-- settings.py | |-- urls.py | `-- wsgi.py |-- static `-- templates .. raw:: latex \newpage Finally, add your new app ``marcador`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in the file :file:`settings.py`: .. literalinclude:: ../src/mysite/mysite/settings.py :lines: 33-40,42 :emphasize-lines: 8 :lineno-start: 33